1900 Tooro Agreement

The 1900 Tooro Agreement – A Historical Treaty That Shaped Uganda

The 1900 Tooro Agreement, also known as the Toro Agreement, is a significant historical document that played a vital role in shaping the modern-day Uganda we know today. The treaty, signed on July 11, 1900, marked the final agreement between the British colonial administration and the Tooro Kingdom, an ancient kingdom located in Western Uganda.

The agreement was initiated by the British, who were interested in bringing the region under their control and expanding their colonial empire. The British had already established a presence in the region, but they needed a formal treaty with the Tooro Kingdom, which was one of the largest and most powerful kingdoms in the region, to consolidate their power.

The treaty was negotiated between the British and the King of Tooro, Kabalega, who was one of the most prominent resistance leaders against British colonialism in Uganda. The treaty recognized Kabalega as the king of Tooro and established the boundaries of the kingdom, which included modern-day districts such as Kabarole, Kasese, and Kamwenge.

Under the agreement, the Tooro Kingdom was recognized as a protectorate of the British Empire, and the king was required to pay tribute in the form of taxes to the British administration. In return, the British promised to protect the Tooro Kingdom from external threats and allow the king to govern his kingdom under British supervision.

The agreement also provided for the establishment of a Tooro Native Authority, which was responsible for administering the affairs of the kingdom under British supervision. The Native Authority was composed of Tooro officials appointed by the king, who worked closely with British officials to implement policies and laws.

The 1900 Tooro Agreement had far-reaching implications for Uganda`s history and political landscape. It marked the beginning of British colonialism in western Uganda and paved the way for the colonization of the rest of the country. The agreement also laid the foundation for the establishment of the Uganda Protectorate in 1894, which later became Uganda`s independence in 1962.

Today, the 1900 Tooro Agreement remains an essential historical document that highlights the complex and often contentious relationship between colonial powers and African kingdoms. It is also a reminder of the resilience of the African people in the face of colonialism and their struggle to maintain their independence and sovereignty.

In conclusion, the 1900 Tooro Agreement played a significant role in shaping Uganda`s history and is an important document that deserves recognition and respect. Its legacy lives on, and its lessons are still relevant today as we strive to build a better future for Africa and the world at large.
